Blue-winged Goose

This species has a very restricted range, favouring freshwater lakes, swamps and rivers in the highlands of Ethiopia.
Cyanochen cyanoptera
Mitochondrial DNA has recently revealed that the (Abyssinian) Blue-winged Goose is most closely related to the Hartlaub’s Duck than any other species. They have a genus to themselves. In appearance, in relation to the Hartlaub’s, they only really share a large powder blue patch on the wing.
Blue-winged Geese are not common in captivity, but there are a few around, and some breed quite readily and successfully. They are not particularly sociable, but don’t seem to mind the company of Egyptian Geese.

Blue-winged Geese breed near water, where they build a nest on the ground and lay about 7 long-ish eggs. Females incubate for anything from 30 to 40 days, though the mean average is around 30. Meanwhile, the male stands guard. Both birds will rear the young. When not breeding, they are known to flock with others of the same species.