Pal-Mates …weekend web tip
Pal -Mates …weekend web tip Y s for Yellow Belly and Yap Yap Yap!. The colour genetics of the Yellow Belly Call are not fully investigated, but these delightful little birds are certainly handsome. Topsides, that is above the waterline, they strongly resemble the wild Mallard colour. The ducks do have rich pinkish buff on […]
Weekend Webbies — Just One Thing
With our birds probably in flockdown, their drinking and bathing water might not be in the ideal pool. Movement can keep water open, but smaller volumes than usual may be prone to freezing if we get a really cold snap. Check to make sure birds can still get out if a rim of ice was […]
Plump and pleasing
One of our most popular show classes is the heavy Pekin Duck. We regularly attract a large number of entries and hope to see some of these great birds at our Champion Waterfowl Exhibition on Sunday 7th November. This painting by wildlife artist Carl Donner, from the Millennium Edition of British Waterfowl Standards, is […]