Embden Goose

Embden Geese — Simon James Any white goose is not necessarily an Embden. There are many varieties of commercial geese which are white, but these are generally smaller, and also easier to breed because they have been developed as commercial crosses for a high output. Embden Goose — Stephen Lockett Heavy breed Domesticated Greylag Goose […]

Domestic Geese

Geese have always had the reputation of being guardians of the farmyard but, for breeders and waterfowl keepers, they have a wider use as pure breeds for exhibition, ‘lawn mowers’ and pets. Geese – the original auto-mowers Well reared, geese are responsive, intelligent birds and deserve a better reputation than they are often given. Greylag […]

Domestic Ducks

With the exception of the Muscovy, all domestic ducks are believed to be descendants of the Mallard Anas platyrhynchos. As pets, table birds or for exhibition, there’s a duck for everyone – Morag Jones Even in the wild Mallard, there is variation in shape, size and plumage. This is what enables the evolution of the […]