Members’ Photos

Our members have all sorts of waterfowl; pets, show birds and critically endangered species. We are rightly proud of our birds. Do you have a great image that belongs here? Send it to us from the Member Area.


White-backed Duck

Wild Greylag Geese swimming

Examining a Hook-billed Duck


White Ducks in Winter

Apricot Trout Runner duckling

Waterfowl — our passion

Successful young exhibitor

Drake giving it some attitude!

Cuteness overload


Go away!

Enjoying a splash

Abacot Ranger ducklings

Swan Goose

Broody Call Duck

African Goose (Grey)

Spotted Whistling ducklings

Tilly is so proud of her Runners

Teal collection

African gander (Grey)

Rouen duck (Mallard)

White-faced Whistling Duck

He’s nearly as big a you!

Andrew Wetters – Championship Judge

Harlequin Drake

White-faced Whistling Ducks

An armful of Crested Ducks

Freckled Duck bathing

Alert Laysan Ducks

Judging Sebastopol Geese

Hawaiian Goose (Nēnē)

Lake Duck preening

Brown Chinese Geese