British Waterfowl Association

Keeping the Long-tailed Duck is a challenge. Clean cool water is a must and they like to be in the company of their own kind. They prefer to nest near others, making a shallow scrape in the ground and lining it with available vegetation and some down. 6-9 pale grey/olive eggs are incubated for 24-29 days. The young leave the nest soon after they are dry and can feed themselves immediately.

Clangula hyemalis
One of the most charismatic of our sea ducks, the Long-tailed Duck's call is captivating. Melodious yodelling and yelps hardly do it justice. Long-tails are slightly unusual in their plumage, having three distinct suits each year (most ducks moult twice per year). In a complex series of overlapping partial moults, changes in plumage happen continuously from April to Ocober. The breeding plumage is only at its best in the winter.
The range of the Long-tailed Duck is circumpolar. It breeds on the Arctic coasts of North America (Alaska, Canada and Greenland), Europe (Scandinavia) and Asia (Russia). In winter it may be found south as far as Oregon, the Great Lakes and North Carolina in USA, SW Greenland, Iceland, Britain, Baltic and North Seas, and in Pacific from Kamchatka south to Korea.
A long-lived bird in the wild, it spends most of its life at sea. Often congregating in huge rafts. It is believed to be the species which spends the greatest proportion of its time diving in relation to time on the surface. It forages for aquatic invertebrates, including insects and crustaceans, also some bivalves, fish, fish eggs, and plant matter. Depth records extend down to 60 metres.
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The traditional North American name of 'Oldsquaw' was considered possibly offensive to the native peoples, usage of the word having changed over time to have alternative connotations. The hoo-ha raged around the turn of the century. Political correctness gone mad? Possibly not: 'We refuse to change on the basis of being politically correct; we will change in the name of uniformity,' said Banks, an ornithologist with the U.S. Geological Survey at the Smithsonian. So Long-tailed Duck it is.
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