Waterfowl on the Web 2022
Class no 6 — Light Ducks
Light ducks are often regarded as the general purpose ducks and include some of the classic egg layers. The Indian Runners would fall into this category, but as they are so popular, they come into a class of their own. Presently standardised are:
- Abacot Ranger
- Bali
- Campbell
- Crested
- Hook Bill
- Magpie
- Orpington
- Welsh Harlequin
Class winner 6.14 Buff Orpington from Tom Goody
Best of breed:
Abacot Ranger 6.11 Darren Warnock
Bali 6.7 Jaco van Wyk
Crested 6.8 Hannah Hill
Hookbill 6.21 Tom Soper
Magpie 6.17 Francis Murtagh
Orpington 6.14 Tom Goody
Welsh Harlequin 6.20 Kelly Millar
6.1 Magpie (F)
6.2 Welsh Harlequin (M)
6.3 Crested, White (M)
6.4 Abacot Ranger (M)
6.5 Abacot Ranger (M)
6.6 Abacot Ranger (F)
6.7 Bali, White (F)
6.8 Crested (F)
6.9 Magpie (M)
6.10 Magpie (F)
6.11 Abacot Ranger (F)
6.12 Orpington, Buff (M)
6.13 Orpington, Buff (F)
6.14 Orpington, Buff (F)
6.15 Hookbill, Dusky (F)
6.16 Abacot Ranger (M)
6.17 Magpie (M)
6.18 Orpington, Buff (F)
6.19 Orpington, Buff (M)
6.20 Welsh Harlequin (M)
6.21 Hookbill, White (M)
6.22 Hookbill, White (F)
6.23 Crested (M)
6.24 Orpington, Buff (M)
6.25 Orpington, Buff (F)

Tagged Abacot Ranger, African Geese, African Goose, American Buff Geese, American Buff Goose, Aylesbury, Bali, Bantam Duck, Black East Indian Duck, blue swedish, Brecon Buff Geese, Brecon Buff Goose, Buff Back Geese, Buff Back Goose, Call Duck, Campbell, cayuga, Chinese Geese, Chinese Goose, Crested Duck, Czech Geese, Czech Goose, domestic geese, Embden Geese, Embden Goose, Franconian Geese, Franconian Goose, Grey Back Geese, Grey Back Goose, Heavy Duck, heavy geese, Hook Bill, Hook-billed Duck, Light Duck, Light Geese, Magpie Duck, medium geese, muscovy, Orpington Duck, Pekin, pet waterfowl, Pilgrim Geese, Pilgrim Goose, Pomeranian Geese, Pomeranian Goose, Roman Geese, Roman Goose, Rouen, rouen clair, Runner, Saxony, Sebastopol Geese, Sebastopol Goose, Shetland Geese, Shetland Goose, Silver Appleyard, Silver Bantam, Steinbacher Geese, Steinbacher Goose, Toulouse Geese, Toulouse Goose, Welsh Harlequin Duck, West of England Geese, West of England Goose