Champion Waterfowl Exhibition

With an exceptional display of more than 500 domestic ducks and geese, the Champion Waterfowl Exhibition is an excellent opportunity to view the wide variety of domestic duck and goose breeds available.

Our flagship show is on the last Sunday of October. It is one of the largest waterfowl shows in the country, with a friendly atmosphere and excellent examples of most breeds of domestic ducks and geese. The Champion Waterfowl Exhibition is the largest gathering of BWA members in the year. It is a chance to talk with fellow enthusiasts, breeders and judges (after they have finished judging) to gain advice and information or to purchase good quality waterfowl.

Our online show last year was great, but nothing beats the sight, smell and sounds of the real thing. The 33rd Champion Waterfowl Exhibition 2021 was held at the Stratford Park Leisure Centre on Sunday 7th November and was a very successful event.

Waterfowl shows are held during the autumn and winter months – the birds look at their best then, as they have recovered from the rigours of the breeding season and have recently moulted into fine new plumage. The birds also travel better in cooler weather.

Mother and child looking at huge geese at a show

The exhibition brings together over 200 show classes of domestic duck, geese and waterfowl eggs, including classes for juniors and for novices. Together with Call Duck and wildfowl displays, a selection of waterfowl are available for sale at the event and the BWA shop will offer a wide range of specialist waterfowl books and other gifts. We have classes for Juniors and Novices – many who have started out showing in these classes have gone on to become established exhibitors in the main classes.

Young waterfowl exhibitor is handed a prize by an expert judge

We operate an Exhibitor of the Year scheme for all domestic breeds. A number of shows around the country participate, and winners of the Best of Breed awards at these shows gain points towards the overall best exhibitor for each of these breeds.

BWA visit to Mudchute Farm in London

Saturday 3rd May 2025

Tel: 07514601167
