German Pekins

German Pekin Duck

The Pekin Duck we know today as an exhibition bird nearly died out in Britain, saved only by importations from Europe to bolster the bloodstock. Hence we call them German Pekins. The Pekin imported to USA in the late 1800s continued to develop along very different lines. There, it became a base breed for the […]

What is going on inside?

Egg candling chart

The embryo develops at a predictable rate inside the egg. By shining a bright light through the shell you can see how it is progressing. How easy it is depends on the thickness of the shell, Mandarin ducks are easy to see, most Geese are very difficult. In general, darker coloured eggs are the hardest […]

Avian Influenza: Enhanced Biosecurity is still mandatory.

Following outbreaks in East Staffordshire (HPAI H5N8) and Cheshire (LPAI H5N3) toward the end of the month, DEFRA urgently reviewed the risk of avian influenza to both wild and kept birds and the implications of preceding with the lifting of the housing measures component of the Avian Influenza Prevention Zone (AIPZ). The GB-wide AIPZ requiring […]

Blue-billed Teal

Blue-billed Teal swimming

What’s in a Name?   In the latest version (v11.1, January 2021) of the International Ornithological Congress (IOC) master list of bird names, the Hottentot Teal has been changed to the Blue-billed Teal. This decision was made in concert with the BirdLife South Africa List Committee, as the former name has become offensive. The simple truth, […]

Black-necked Swans

Black-necked Swan cygnets

The South American Black-necked Swan, Cygnus melanocoryphus, only develops the full black neck on its first adult moult. These swans are quite vocal and have a soft musical whistle. Though less aggressive than their closest relatives, the Mute and Black Swans, they are pugnacious in the breeding season.

Diamond Jubilee Trophy 2020 — Roy Pryce

Congratulations to Roy Pryce, winner of our Diamond Jubilee Trophy 2020. This award goes to one of our members in recognition of their service to domestic waterfowl and in particular, relating to showing. Not only was Roy the judge for our first online show last November, but we wish to acknowledge his expertise, support and […]

Wildfowl Contribution 2020 — Arnold Schouten

For the first time, this year the Wildfowl Contribution Award goes to an overseas member: Arnold Schouten of Dry Creek Waterfowl. He is known internationally for his captive breeding programme, which allows for scientific research without having to take birds out of the wild. In 2012, the International Wild Waterfowl Association inducted him into its […]

Wildfowl Achievement 2020 — Carl Donner

Our Wildfowl Achievement Award for 2020 goes to a long-standing and faithful ambassador of the Association. Particularly passionate about the Grey Geese, Carl Donner has a vast knowledge of the various colour and marking differences of the Canada, Bean and White-fronted geese. He is always happy to share his knowledge and experiences with new members, […]

Dutch Barnacle Goose found in China

A Dutch-ringed Barnacle Goose has recently been re-sighted in Henan Province in eastern China, an astonishing 8,200 km from its natal home. The bird, which is colour-ringed with the combination ‘Yellow T Blue V’, was ringed as a juvenile male at Westplaat Buitengronden, one of the species’ breeding colonies in the south-west of The Netherlands, in July 2019. […]

Thank you

To our lovely donors for your generosity: Dan Aldersley — Michael Attew — Philippa Mitchell — Andy Street — Billy Sumner — Waddesdon Manor — Paul Zwetsloot —